Sunday, November 22, 2009

Sasha on the Rocks

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Against All Odds

Against All Odds

By: Sasha Hand

My inspiration for this piece of artwork was a man name Zach.
Zach and I have known each other for more than four years. He was always there for me. He was someone I could always turn to for anything. He was just an amazing guy, but I was always with someone else that I thought was more of a man than him. For four years he waited for me to see that he loved me. Finally fate struck and my boyfriend of 2 years broke it off. Zach was right there to be the friend I needed. With a month of mending I wanted to be with Zach just as much as he wanted to be with me. I have always loved him but I wasn’t sure if I could be in a relationship until I was not in one with someone else. He had at the time started to move on with his life and go for another girl. I was broken but understood that this was how it was going to be. He waited for four years for me to say that I loved him back. I thought it was for the better. So from than on I decided that I was going to be the friend and wait for him to say I love you back to me. For a few days we were talking and I brought up my feelings for him. He than told me that he didn’t understand what he was doing. Yes he wanted to see what would happen with this other girl but than there was me. He finally knew that I loved him in return. He than said the next time that we see each other in person we would make it official.
In this piece I have my face on the bottom, my feet on the top and my hand on the top left corner. My face is to show me looking at love, my feet to show me falling in love, and my hand to show me reaching for love. I have of course A picture of Zach and I kissing in front of a picture of the sun showing threw leaves to show how naturally bright our love is. I also have a picture of a river and candles in the bottom right corner. The river stands for the never ending flowing of our love and affection for each other and the candles are for the eternal flame of our love but also we would always sing “would you light my candle?” from the musical Rent. The background are trees to show how natural our love is. And I blended a picture of us to the sky peeking threw the trees to help the illusion of that. I have the daisies in there to bring the piece together, but the more I think about it maybe I put them in there to show the presence of wind. I once described Zach as the wind and how I am finally listening to it. The last thing in this piece I have in there are words. Zach sent me a picture of a man and woman holding each other and these words surrounded them, “I’ll be here…..Why….? I’ll be ‘waiting’…here… For what? I’ll be waiting…for you….so…if you come here…. You’ll find me. I promise.” Those words describe us perfectly and they mean so much to me. He means so much to me.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Surrealist artists Than and Now

Atomic Dali
Phillipe Halsman
Description: it is a black and white photograph that has a man that looks like Dali jumping in the background while he is painting. there are also three cats jumping out of a painting while a line of water is flowing threw the picture and a chair is floating of to the side.
Analysis: Lines, movement, contrast. there is actual line and implied lines in this picture.
Interpretation: I believe what Halsman was taking this picture for him to pay tribute to Dali. when i first saw this i thought Dali actually did it but than i looked closer and saw that it was a photograph and it wasn't by Dali. i was stunned by how well this was all put together. the placement and just all of the movement.
Judgment: Halsman do a fantastic job on displaying how energetic Dali was with his artwork.

The Wavering Woman
Max Ernst
Description: In the background there are two pillars with the background having the darks and lights are separated from each other. in the foreground there is a woman that seems to be leaning up against a mechanical contraption that has wires coming out of it that are leading to the ground.
Analysis: I can see lines, contrast, emphasis. My eye goes from the tip of her hair to her toes. Ernst really wants the woman to be the main point of the painting.
Interpretation: when i look at this painting i see a woman being blinded by obstacles that are binding her to a place she doesn't want to be.
Judgment: I believe it is a success because it caught my eye of interest right away and made me feel trapped in what she is trapped in.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Project 3

To the Heavens

Exposure mode: P
Shutter speed: 1/180
Aperture: 3.2
Composition: Wide Depth
Element: Space
Description: as i saw this tree when i looked up it was so high i felt like i could climb to the sky.

City Life

Exposure mode: P
Shutter speed: 1/200
Aperture: 7.0
Composition: Rule of thirds
Element: Space
Description:Driving in the cities and i saw that glass building and loved it.
Fighting the Sickness

Exposure mode: P
Shutter speed: 1/70
Aperture: 7.0
Composition: Framing
Element: Balance
Description: Driving to Morris and sucking on a cough drop to help my sickness go away.

The Guitarist

Exposure mode: P
Shutter speed: 1.0
Aperture: 3.2
Composition: Rule of thirds
Element: Emphasis
Description: Listening to Sam sing and playing his guitar.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Along the River

Exposure mode: P
Shutter speed: 1/8
Aperture: 3.2
Composition: Rule of thirds
Element: Space
Description: Walking threw storybook land and i saw this river and loved it. i removed sidewalks and builds and added more to the trees. enhanced the colors and highlights and shadows.

Soda Pop

Exposure Mode: P
Shutter speed: 1/30
Aperture: 3.2
Composition: Framing
Principle: Balance
Description: Sitting in pizza hut with Zach waiting for our pizza. this is one of my favorite picture of him. i enhanced highlights and shadows and added more of the wooden background and removed darkness around the under of the eyes.
Falling Down

Exposure Mode: P
Shutter speed: 1/75
Aperture: 3.2
Composition: Bird's eye
Principle: Balance
Description: I was walking along looking for a building to stand on but i came to the conclusion that i wasn't going to be able to do such a thing so i settled for the edge of Lincoln. i blurred and darkened the ground and enhanced the color and highlights in the leaves and stone. i turned my shoes and skirt black and white and enhanced highlights and shadows.

Bean Fountain

Exposure mode: P
Shutter speed: 1/25
Aperture: 3.2
Composition: Rule of Thirds
Principles: Unity
Description: Walking threw story book land i found it very interesting about how i found unity in this picture with something that was liquid and something that is solid. i also love how the sun was setting when i took this picture to make the tips of the trees bright. i enhanced the highlights in the water and the tips of the leaves. i also enhanced the color and removed the sidewalks, a few buildings and a fence to make it look not so modern.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Artistic Heros

1. Leonardo Da Vinci
Virgin of the Rocks Virgin of the Rocks

-Above any other artist i have studied, Da Vinci is the one that I have admired the most. His journals(which i have a large book of them in my room) that are filled with so many different ideas and sketches of things he saw. studies of the body. and his paints. the one i placed on here still to this day makes me wonder. why did he make two versions of "virgin of the rocks"? i have studied this for many many hours and found many differences between them and yet i still have not come up with an answer. i have heard of theories, but i don't think anyone will actually know. that is one thing i love about him. mystery. also his pictures of the human body are just amazing. they inspire me to become a better figure drawer and also in taking pictures.

2. Tim Burton

-Tim Burton is my favorite director/artist. He came out with this poetry book which he wrote the poems and drew the pictures. his style of drawing is so unique. being a realistic drawer, he inspires me to step out of my box and draw things that are not so realistic. he also uses the curly line look in a lot of his works. the pictures above are a few sketches he did for animation. the one on the left i am not sure what it was but the one on the right are sketches from my favorite musical he directed The Nightmare Before Christmas. with taking pictures he makes me want my black and white photos to have a lot of contrast in them. the mystery that the photo has.
3. M.C. Escher

-Escher is an amazing artist to me because of all the impossible objects he can create in his works. i have tried to draw such things but it takes me forever to finish one little triangle. no matter how many times i see his work i cannot but just stop and stare at it. it's magical to me.

4. Rodney Lough Jr.

Havasu 'Baaja The Burning Bush

-I had the oppurtunity to see his work up close and personal in the Mall of America and i was distracted for a good hour in his gallery. the one this that amazes me about his photos is the fact that he does not use photoshop and he uses film instead of a digital camera. he is by far the best photographer i have seen.

5. Mother and Father
Mother's picture Father's picture
-Both of my parents have always encouraged me to pursue my dreams. i remember the day that my dad inspired me to become a better artist. i saw him drawing a picture of a dear from a magazin. it looked exactly like the picture. i never knew my dad was such a talented artist. my mother does have an eye for beauty with pictures and so does my dad. they recently got a new camera which the pictures above were taken by. the size of these picture do not do them justice. they have always supported me in my work, even if they don't agree with it.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

My name-Sasha Hand

Childhood ambition-To become known for my talents

Fondest Memory-Being with my friends.

Proudest moment-Coming back to Aberdeen.

Biggest challenge-Doing well in college.

Alarm clock-My phone and a clock.

Perfect Day-A cool, colorful day with my love.


Favorite movie-Horror films


Inspirations-Everything around me.

My life is Artistic.