Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Surrealist artists Than and Now

Atomic Dali
Phillipe Halsman
Description: it is a black and white photograph that has a man that looks like Dali jumping in the background while he is painting. there are also three cats jumping out of a painting while a line of water is flowing threw the picture and a chair is floating of to the side.
Analysis: Lines, movement, contrast. there is actual line and implied lines in this picture.
Interpretation: I believe what Halsman was taking this picture for him to pay tribute to Dali. when i first saw this i thought Dali actually did it but than i looked closer and saw that it was a photograph and it wasn't by Dali. i was stunned by how well this was all put together. the placement and just all of the movement.
Judgment: Halsman do a fantastic job on displaying how energetic Dali was with his artwork.

The Wavering Woman
Max Ernst
Description: In the background there are two pillars with the background having the darks and lights are separated from each other. in the foreground there is a woman that seems to be leaning up against a mechanical contraption that has wires coming out of it that are leading to the ground.
Analysis: I can see lines, contrast, emphasis. My eye goes from the tip of her hair to her toes. Ernst really wants the woman to be the main point of the painting.
Interpretation: when i look at this painting i see a woman being blinded by obstacles that are binding her to a place she doesn't want to be.
Judgment: I believe it is a success because it caught my eye of interest right away and made me feel trapped in what she is trapped in.

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