Sunday, September 13, 2009

Artistic Heros

1. Leonardo Da Vinci
Virgin of the Rocks Virgin of the Rocks

-Above any other artist i have studied, Da Vinci is the one that I have admired the most. His journals(which i have a large book of them in my room) that are filled with so many different ideas and sketches of things he saw. studies of the body. and his paints. the one i placed on here still to this day makes me wonder. why did he make two versions of "virgin of the rocks"? i have studied this for many many hours and found many differences between them and yet i still have not come up with an answer. i have heard of theories, but i don't think anyone will actually know. that is one thing i love about him. mystery. also his pictures of the human body are just amazing. they inspire me to become a better figure drawer and also in taking pictures.

2. Tim Burton

-Tim Burton is my favorite director/artist. He came out with this poetry book which he wrote the poems and drew the pictures. his style of drawing is so unique. being a realistic drawer, he inspires me to step out of my box and draw things that are not so realistic. he also uses the curly line look in a lot of his works. the pictures above are a few sketches he did for animation. the one on the left i am not sure what it was but the one on the right are sketches from my favorite musical he directed The Nightmare Before Christmas. with taking pictures he makes me want my black and white photos to have a lot of contrast in them. the mystery that the photo has.
3. M.C. Escher

-Escher is an amazing artist to me because of all the impossible objects he can create in his works. i have tried to draw such things but it takes me forever to finish one little triangle. no matter how many times i see his work i cannot but just stop and stare at it. it's magical to me.

4. Rodney Lough Jr.

Havasu 'Baaja The Burning Bush

-I had the oppurtunity to see his work up close and personal in the Mall of America and i was distracted for a good hour in his gallery. the one this that amazes me about his photos is the fact that he does not use photoshop and he uses film instead of a digital camera. he is by far the best photographer i have seen.

5. Mother and Father
Mother's picture Father's picture
-Both of my parents have always encouraged me to pursue my dreams. i remember the day that my dad inspired me to become a better artist. i saw him drawing a picture of a dear from a magazin. it looked exactly like the picture. i never knew my dad was such a talented artist. my mother does have an eye for beauty with pictures and so does my dad. they recently got a new camera which the pictures above were taken by. the size of these picture do not do them justice. they have always supported me in my work, even if they don't agree with it.

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